Optimized Purification of siRNA Oligonucleotides Using the WAVE® Oligo System
Quality Control and Purification of Oligonucleotides on the WAVE™ Nucleic Acid Fragment Analysis System
Sizing of Fragments with the WAVE™ Nucleic Acid Fragment Analysis System
RNA Chromatography Under Thermally Denaturing Conditions: Analysis and Quality Determination of RNA
RNA Chromatography Under Thermally Denaturing Conditions: Quantitation of RNA
Purification of Duplex siRNAs Directly from Crude, Annealed Oligonucleotides
Automated Preparation of Metaphase Spreads and Interphase Nuclei Using the HANABI PIV Metaphase Auto-Spreader
Evaluation of the HANABI-PII Plus Metaphase Chromosome Harvester for the Collection of Chromosomes in Metaphase Stage. A Comparison Study
Perfomance Analysis of HANABI-PV Auto-Spreader Mini in the Cytogenetic Laboratory of Treviso General Hospital