• 04/06/2021
  • biotec

RNASep™ Semi-Prep – Ultra High Capacity RNA Purification Column

RNASep™ Semi-Prep – Ultra High Capacity RNA Purification Column 30 mm x 150 mm – for variety of RNA applications, load capacity of 2 mg total RNA. Custom mRNA Purification Solutions also available. SKU: RPC-99-3015 DescriptionFeatures & BenefitsBuffersDocumentsDescription The RNASep™ Semi-Prep is an ultra high capacity HPLC RNA purification column that uses alkylated non-porous polystyrene-divinylbenzene (PS-DVB) [...]

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  • 04/06/2021
  • biotec

RNASep™ Semi-Prep – High Capacity RNA Purification Column

RNASep™ Semi-Prep – High Capacity RNA Purification Column THe RNASep™ Semi-Prep - High Capacity RNA Purification Column is a 21.2 mm x 100 mm – for variety of RNA applications, load capacity of 600 µg total RNA. Custom mRNA Purification Solutions also available. SKU: RPC-99-2110 DescriptionFeatures & BenefitsBuffersDocumentsDescription RNASep™ Semi-Prep is a high capacity RNA purification column [...]

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  • 04/06/2021
  • biotec

RNASep™ Prep – RNA Purification Column

RNASep™ Prep – RNA Purification Column The RNASep™ Prep - RNA Purification Column is 7.8 mm x 50 mm – used for variety of RNA applications, load capacity of 50 µg total RNA. Custom mRNA Purification Solutions also available. SKU: RNA-99-3810 DescriptionFeatures & BenefitsBuffersDocumentsDescription RNASep™ Prep is an RNA purification column that uses alkylated non-porous polystyrene-divinylbenzene [...]

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  • 04/06/2021
  • biotec

OligoSep™ Prep HC Cartridge – High Capacity Oligonucleotide Purification Column

OligoSep™ Prep HC Cartridge – High Capacity Oligonucleotide Purification Column The High Capacity Oligonucleotide Purification Column contains 7.8 mm x 50 mm – for oligo purification, load capacity of 5000 µg SKU: NUC-99-3860 DescriptionFeatures & BenefitsBuffersDocumentsDescription The OligoSep™ Prep HC High Capacity Oligonucleotide Purification Column uses alkylated macro-porous polystyrene-divinylbenzene (PS-DVB) copolymer microspheres for high performance nucleic acid separations. [...]

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  • 04/06/2021
  • biotec

OligoSep™ Cartridge – Oligonucleotide Analysis Column

OligoSep™ Cartridge – Oligonucleotide Analysis Column The OligoSep™ Cartridge - Oligonucleotide Analysis Column is a 4.6 mm x 50 mm column– High resolution ds/ssDNA analysis, sizing, and mutation detection.  High resolution RNA analysis. SKU: NUC-99-3550 DescriptionFeatures & BenefitsBuffersDescription The OligoSep™  Oligonucleotide Analysis Column uses alkylated non-porous polystyrene-divinylbenzene (PS-DVB) copolymer microspheres for high performance nucleic acid separations. These [...]

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  • 04/06/2021
  • biotec

DNASep™ HT Cartridge – High Throughput DNA Separation Column

DNASep™ HT Cartridge – High Throughput DNA Separation Column The DNASep™ HT Cartridge - High Throughput DNA Separation Column is 6.5 mm x 37 mm, for variety of DNA application but especially for Rapid Mutation Detection, load capacity of 4 µg SKU: DNA-99-3710 DescriptionFeatures & BenefitsBuffersDocumentsDescription The DNASep­™ HT –  High Throughput DNA Separation Column uses alkylated [...]

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  • 04/06/2021
  • biotec

DNASep™ Cartridge – DNA Separation Column

DNASep™ Cartridge – DNA Separation Column The DNASep™ Cartridge - DNA Separation Column is 4.6 mm x 50 mm – For high resolution HPLC ds/ss DNA analysis, sizing, and Mutation Detection. Load capacity of 2µg. SKU: DNA-99-3510 DescriptionFeatures & BenefitsBuffersDocumentsDescription The DNASep™ – DNA separation column uses alkylated non-porous polystyrene-divinylbenzene (PS-DVB) copolymer microspheres for high performance nucleic [...]

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  • 04/05/2021
  • biotec

HANABI-CI 4.0 Automated Cell Isolator System

HANABI-CI 4.0 Automated Cell Isolator System The HANABI-CI 4.0 Automated Cell Isolator System fully automates the entire Lymphocyte isolation process, eliminating variability compared to manual methods. The HANABI-CI 4.0 Automated Cell Isolator System is capable of processing single patient, 15 mL to 120 mL whole blood samples in 1.5 hours. The system features a clean [...]

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  • 04/05/2021
  • biotec

HANABI-L 2.0 Automated Lymphocyte Isolator System

HANABI-L 2.0 Automated Lymphocyte Isolator System The HANABI-L 2.0 Automated Lymphocyte Isolator System is custom designed to radically improve the speed, efficiency and quality of Lymphocytes isolation procedures. The HANABI-L 2.0 Automated Lymphocyte Isolator System is capable of processing batches of 24 samples and features a negative pressure cabinet and ultraviolet exposure preventing sample contamination. [...]

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  • 04/05/2021
  • biotec

HANABI S1020 Auto Chromosome Staining System

HANABI S1020 Auto Chromosome Staining System The HANABI S1020 is designed to radically improve the speed, efficiency and repetitive quality of cytogenetic stained slide specimens. The HANABI S1020 is capable of processing slides in batches of 20 and features a continuous loading mode allowing the operator to load another batch of slides as the first [...]

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